Media Reports
A public figure demanded part of the apartment - and it was rejected (Ynet)
District confirmed: A minor will study in a remote school against his will (mako)
Will the toddler go to a democratic kindergarten? Parents arrive at court (Ynet)
A man demanded to acknowledge his paternity. Mother: "I do not know him" (Ynet)
In the news to the community: Judicial parenting order can not be revoked (Ynet)
The divorced, the husband, the publicly known and the mortgaged house (Ynet)
District calls for change: "Liability instead of custody" (Ynet)
Hundreds of thousands of shekels were withdrawn from the account of a demented elderly man (mako)
Sued their father's widow even though they received millions (Ynet)
A petition for custody of a woman confined to her home was denied (Ynet)
Inherited the father's apartment and demanded to evict her drug-addicted sister (news site N12)
The stepbrothers' conflict: Whose 3.5 million shekels? (ynet)
The unbearable ease of appointing a guardian for the elderly (Ynet)
Disqualified from the will but proved that her mother was demented - and won (news site N12)
Bequeathed an apartment to her 9 children - and banned from selling it (Ynet)
A house built on the land of the divorcee - will remain his (Ynet)
Despite the neglect: the court refused to appoint a guardian (Ynet)
The court ruled: a cancer patient who died wanted children from his seed (Ynet)
Lawyers Forge Inheritance Order - Will Return Millions (Ynet)
A father lied about parental alienation - and was forced to pay for it (Ynet)
If she financed the children - the divorcee was obliged to pay her (Ynet)
The discussion was secretly recorded - the minutes will not be amended (mako)
She had a psychotic attack on the night of the wedding - and was forced to divorce (Ynet)
Judge rules: life-threatening schizophrenic will be operated on against his will (Ynet)